Rabu, 09 Januari 2013



Theme is a thing very important if you want to optimal Adsense. The best theme is the theme where you really understand and like that theme. For example; if you choose theme about marketing online, so you must understand about it and like in marketing online. Write with theme that we like and we understand will make Adsense be easier to do, than choosing the expensive themes, but we don’t know about it and do not know what will be done then.

Another theme that can use or choose is the theme that is trend or hot in that time in internet. Although it has opportunities to get the viewers or visitors that like the theme that hot in that time, but choosing the hot theme or trend theme will be make us busy to get information about it, and must up to date.

Beside that way, the Adsense themes can also choosing base on the expensive or not the keyword. In the advertisement pay per click (PPC) each keywords has price or value according to readiness of advertiser to pay the keywords that choose. If the keyword is expensive that we (publisher) choose, so the opportunity to get income from Adsense is high too.

You can use software of keyword finder to help you finding the hot keywords. Those are google.com/trends, freekeywords.wordtracker.com, buzz.yahoo.com, etc. in there, keywords is hot and can be found.
That is the way to find the good keywords, hope it will be useful.

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